Prune & Bloom

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Blooms-away: A dandelion-wine-welcome...

Welcome-oh-welcome to my first official Prune & Bloom blog post! It's a somewhat entertaining occasion given I’ve been arguably one of the least social-media-inclined people in everything from my Austin-block to my Gen-X cohort (a millennial I once managed, Todd, introduced me to an audience of digital marketers as “not very social”…and it wasn’t because I’m a slight introvert….#TrueStory). In fact, I often jokingly suggest that my coffee-date, pen-pal inclined self would've thrived far easier in the ‘50s (and yes, Back to the Future is one of my fave flicks).

Put simply: I haven't been able to keep up with living my good old fashioned life, as well as to participate in the many modes of media that invite me to live life (let alone watch others’ lives) digitally. I really-and-truly applaud those who can - you are far-better multi-taskers than I; And I celebrate that connectivity gives grandparents the ability to be part of their grandkids lives across the miles; As well as provides people going through a rough season with the ability to find others that they can share a soul-soothing "me too" with.

But benefits aside, I've respectfully opted-out of keeping up with the Kardashians or that iconic li'l bluebird (...the Joneses on the other hand are a bit tougher to shake – but that's a post for another day). This is not because I’m on a social-media-soapbox. But simply because social media has more often than not proved to distract me from making progress on what matters most to me. So, needless to say, as I make my foray here into blogging, it's both a red-letter - and a bit of an ironic - day. ;-)

This is also an opportune time for you (or at least social-media-savvy-Todd) to ask: "Umm, Jen, why on earth are you launching a blog then? If Prune & Bloom is ultimately all about helping people pursue possibility by decluttering their lives...then why do precisely what you have avoided? And as I excitedly nod in agreement, you may quickly presume “ahh, therein lies a clue as to why she has ‘wine’ in the title.”

Fret not fair reader. I have not been day-drinking.

Dandelion Wine was a 1950s novel written by Ray Bradbury about a 12-year-old boy (Douglas) loosely patterned after Bradbury. Set in the 1920s Midwest, the fabric of the book features the routines of small-town America, and the simple joys of yesterday. And the title refers to a wine made of dandelion petals. In the story, the dandelion wine made by Douglas’s grandfather, serves as a metaphor for packing all of the joys and simplicities of summer into a single bottle. 

So, why a "dandelion wine" welcome then? For the same reason I have it in our Prune & Bloom logo: it captures the spirit of what I want this blog - and my service - to be about: re-connecting with the things that help us live on-purpose and rediscover simple truths and joys. Taking the time to (inhale-exhale) tune out the fray…and tune into what really matters to us. To be intentional about making it a practice to prune what gets in the way of us having our best days. And to get re-acquainted with the intoxication of POSSIBILITY. It’s a struggle, practice and ongoing journey I take right alongside along with you. And it's that "going-together" that now inspires me to blog. 

My promise to you on this journey? Is that in the spirit of staying true to my mantra of decluttering, I will make every effort to ensure this blog delivers something of true value or simple joy – be it a practical decluttering tip or resource, an inspirational or instructional story, or even just a simple anecdote or observation that makes you pause, breathe and smile.  Oh, and that future posts will NOT be this long (extra karma if you've made it this far). ;-)

…and who knows, maybe along the way, I just may become a bit more social yet. (#WatchMeNowTodd). 


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