Not your garden-variety organizing service

While an organizer's forte is putting things in place, Prune & Bloom's unique holistic approach helps you create space for what matters most to you. How? We go beyond the mere mechanics of purging and storing your things and tend to all forms of clutter: physical, logistical and mental. Our promise? We'll transform your decluttering into a sense of new possibility. Because newsflash: life's too short to wait for "someday"...right? So blooms-away as we like to say (...kinda catchy, huh?).

Space Tidying

Photo by kostsov/iStock / Getty Images

Closets, kitchens and offices - oh my! No matter the space, we'll help you let-go of the physical stuff that's keeping you "stuck"...tidy up the rest..and teach you how to keep it from creeping back in. Because your home should feel like a haven, not a headache. Hmm, is that joy you hear knocking? (

Calendar Taming

So many people, places and to-dos. So little time...let alone "me time" to stop and figure out how I make life more of what I want it to be. We'll help you hush the mental clutter of a crowded calendar, and start taking steps towards what matters most to you. Meaning you'll start living life again instead of letting life live you. (Ahh...ain't possibility just grand?!)

Personal Coaching

Photo by pixdeluxe/iStock / Getty Images

Ready to flirt with your future? As part and parcel of the pruning process, we'll use the new space to give TLC to the items, interests, even dreams that've been patiently waiting for you - or hiding! - amid your clutter. And we'll craft a step-by-step plan (aka your Bloom-print) to help you make progress. (Go on, give your future a li'l  wink!) 


Gift Certificates (what a hit you'll be!)

Looking for a unique gift for a special-someone? Something that shows you think they're pretty special (and, that you're the BEST gift-giver ever)? A Prune & Bloom gift certificate is sure to surprise & delight in a way they'll benefit from for years to come? (plus, may well win you some brownie points to boot...just sayin').

Ready to weed out the clutter that's keeping you from being in full bloom? Ready, set...grow.


"schedule your priorities, don't prioritize your scHedule"

~steven covey, Author - seven habits of highly effective people